Download Browser Mozilla Firefox V.18.0

Browser Mozilla Firefox Update lagi ni sob, sekarang udah nyampe Versi 18.0 pasti nya ada penambahan Fitur baru lagi, dan memperkuat system keamanan, untuk fitur lain nya sobat semua udah pada tau kan,,?? ya udah langsung aja buat sobat yang mau nyoba bisa langsung download di bawah:

The Web is all about innovation, and Firefox sets the pace with dozens of new features to deliver a faster, more secure and customizable Web browsing experience for all.

User Experience.
The enhancements to Firefox provide the best possible browsing experience on the Web. The new Firefox smart location bar, affectionately known as the "Awesome Bar," learns as people use it, adapting to user preferences and offering better fitting matches over time.

Performance. Firefox is built on top of the powerful new Gecko platform, resulting in a safer, easier to use and more personal product.

Security. Firefox raises the bar for security. The new malware and phishing protection helps protect from viruses, worms, trojans and spyware to keep people safe on the Web.

Customization. Everyone uses the Web differently, and Firefox lets users customize their browser with more than 5,000 add-ons.

Title:                   Firefox 18.0
Filename:           Firefox Setup 18.0.exe
File size:            19.35MB (20,293,080 bytes)
Requirements:   Windows XP/Windows 7/Windows 8
Languages:        en-US
License:             Open Source
Date added:       January 8, 2013
Author:               Mozilla Organization

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